Colin G. Kaide, MD, FACEP, FAAEM, UHM

  • Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine, Specialist in Hyperbaric
  • Medicine and Wound Care, Department of Emergency Medicine,
  • The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA

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They both made love well, almost as if by miracle, and they continued to make love well, night and day and better each time for the rest of the voyage, and when they reached La Rochelle they got along as if they were old lovers. They stayed in Europe, with Paris as their base, and made short trips to neighboring countries. During that time they made love every day, more than once on winter Sundays when they frolicked in bed until it was time for lunch. He was a man of strong impulses, and well disciplined besides, and she was not one to let anyone take advantage of her, so they had to be content with sharing power in bed. After three months of feverish lovemaking he concluded that one of the m was sterile, and they both submitted to rigorous examinations at the Hopital de la Salpetriere, where he had been an intern. However, when they least expected it, and with no scientific intervention, the miracle occurred. When they returned home, Fermina was in the sixth month of her pregnancy and thought herself the happiest woman on earth. The child they had both longed for was born without incident under the sign of Aquarius and baptized in honor of the grandfather who had died of cholera. It was impossible to know if it was Europe or love that changed them, for both occurred at the same time. They were, in essence, not only between themselves but with everyone else, just as Florentino Ariza perceived them when he saw them leaving Mass two weeks after their return on that Sunday of his misfortune. They came back with a new conception of life, bringing with them the latest trends in the world and ready to lead, he with the most recent developments in literature, music, and above all in his science. He had a subscription to Le Figaro, so he would not lose touch with reality, and another to the Revue des Deux Mondes, so that he would not lose touch with poetry. He had also arranged with his bookseller in Paris to receive works by the most widely read authors, among them Anatole France and Pierre Loti, and by those he liked best, including Remy de Gourmont and Paul Bourget, but under no circumstances anything by Emile Zola, whom he found intolerable despite his valiant intervention in the Dreyfus affair. The same bookseller agreed to mail him the most attractive scores from the Ricordi catalogue, chamber music above all, so that he could maintain the well-deserved title earned by his father as the greatest friend of concerts in the city. Fermina Daza, always resistant to the demands of fashion, brought back six trunks of clothing from different periods, for the great labels did not convince her. She had been in the Tuileries in the middle of winter for the launching of the collection by Worth, the indisputable tyrant of haute couture, and the only thing she got was a case of bronchitis that kept her in bed for five days. In the same way she brought back quantities of Italian shoes without brand names, which she preferred to the renowned and famous shoes by Ferry, and she brought back a parasol from Dupuy, as red as the fires of hell, which gave our alarmed social chroniclers much to write about. She bought only one hat from Madame Reboux, but on the other hand she filled a trunk with sprigs of artificial cherrie s, stalks of all the felt flowers she could find, branches of ostrich plumes, crests of peacocks, tailfeathers of Asiatic roosters, entire pheasants, hummingbirds, and a countless variety of exotic birds preserved in midflight, midcall, midagony: everything that had been used in the past twenty years to change the appearance of hats. She brought back a collection of fans from countries all over the world, each one appropriate to a different occasion. She brought back a disturbing fragrance chosen from many at the perfume shop in the Bazar de la Charite, before the spring winds leveled everything with ashes, but she used it only once because she did not recognize herself in the new scent. They also brought back three indelible memories: the unprecedented opening of the Tales of Hoffmann in Paris, the terrifying blaze that destroyed almost all the gondolas off St. Juvenal Urbino had one that he always regretted not sharing with his wife, for it came from his days as a bachelor student in Paris. It was the memory of Victor Hugo, who enjoyed an impassioned fame here that had nothing to do with his books, because someone said that he had said, although no one actually heard him say it, that our Constitution was meant for a nation not of men but of angels. From that time on, special homage was paid to him, and most of our many compatriots who trave led to France went out of their way to see him. A half-dozen students, among them Juvenal Urbino, stood guard for a time outside his residence on Avenue Eylau, and at the cafes where it was said he came without fail and never came, and at last they sent a written request for a private audience in the name of the angels of the Constitution of Rionegro. One day, when Juvenal Urbino happened to be passing the Luxembourg Gardens, he saw him come out of the Senate with a young woman on his arm. He seemed very old, he walked with difficulty, his beard and hair were less brilliant than in his pictures, and he wore an overcoat that seemed to belong to a larger man. He did not want to ruin the memory with an impertinent greeting: he was satisfied with the almost unreal vision that he would keep for the rest of his life. When he returned to Paris as a married man, in a position to see him under more formal circumstances, Victor Hugo had already died. As a consolation, Juvenal Urbino and Fermina Daza brought back the shared memory of a snowy afternoon when they were intrigued by a crowd that defied the storm outside a small bookshop on the Boulevard des Capucines because Oscar Wilde was inside. When he came out at last, elegant indeed but perhaps too conscious of being so, the group surrounded him, asking that he sign their books. But her husband objected with firmness, and when she tried to go despite his arguments, he did not feel he could survive the embarrassment. Before she had been married a year, she moved through the world with the same assurance that had been hers as a little girl in the wilds of San Juan de la Cienaga, as if she had been born with it, and she had a facility for dealing with strangers that left her husband dumbfounded, and a mysterious talent for making herself understood in Spanish with anyone, anywhere. He did not even stop to think about the obstacle of her being married, because at the same time he decided, as if it depended on himself alone, that Dr. He did not know when or how, but he considered it an ineluctable event that he was resolved to wait for without impatience or violence, even till the end of time. His uncle was angry with him because of the manner in which he had thrown away the good position of telegraph operator in Villa de Leyva, but he allowed himself to be swayed by his conviction that human beings are not born once and for all on the day their mothers give birth to them, but that life obliges them over and over again to give birth to themselves. When he was not occupied with the administration of his decrepit vessels, still afloat out of sheer distraction on the part of fate, or with the problems of river navigation, which grew more and more critical every day, he devoted his free time to the enrichment of his lyric repertoire. He had the voice of a galley slave, untrained but capable of impressive registers. Someone had told him that Enrico Caruso could shatter a vase with the power of his voice, and he had spent years trying to imitate him, even with the windowpanes. His friends brought him the most delicate vases they had come across in their travels through the world, and they organized special parties so that he might at last achieve the culmination of his dream. Still, in the depth of his thundering there was a glimmer of tenderness that broke the hearts of his listeners as if they were the crystal vases of the great Caruso, and it was this that made him so revered at funerals. And so, between operatic encores and Neapolitan serenades, his creative talent and his invincible entrepreneurial spirit made him the hero of river navigation during the time of its greatest splendor. He had come from nothing, like his dead brothers, and all of them went as far as they wished despite the stigma of being illegitimate children and, even worse, illegitimate children who had never been recognized. His only luxury was even simpler: a house by the sea, two leagues from his offices, furnished only with six handmade stools, a stand for earthenware jars, and a hammock on the terrace where he could lie down to think on Sundays. From the day he came to his office to ask for work, with his doleful appearance and his twenty-six useless years behind him, he had tested him with the severity of a barracks training that could have broken the hardest man. The worst years were the early ones, when he was appointed clerk to the Board of Directors, which seemed a position made to order for him. In any case, the German was correct in regard to what he had thought about least, which was that Florentino Ariza wrote everything with so much passion that even official documents seemed to be about love. His bills of lading were rhymed no matter how he tried to avoid it, and routine business letters had a lyrical spirit that diminished their authority. His uncle himself came to his office one day with a packet of correspondence that he had not dared put his name to , and he gave him his last chance to save his soul. He made a supreme effort to learn the mundane simplicity of mercantile prose, imitating models from notarial files with the same diligence he had once used for popular poets. This was the period when he spent his free time in the Arcade of the Scribes, helping unlettered lovers to write their scented love notes, in order to unburden his heart of all the words of love that he could not use in customs reports. But at the end of six months, no matter how hard he twis ted, he could not wring the neck of his die hard swan. No work could defeat him, no matter how hard or humiliating it was, no salary, no matter how miserable, could demoralize him, and he never lost his essential fearlessness when faced with the insolence of his superiors. But he was not an innocent, either: everyone who crossed his path suffered the consequences of the overwhelming determination, capable of anything, that lay behind his helpless appearance. He fulfilled all his duties with admirable skill, studying every thread in that mysterious warp that had so much to do with the offices of poetry, but he never won the honor he most desired, which was to write one, just one, acceptable business letter. Without intending to , without even knowing it, he demonstrated with his life that his father had been right when he repeated until his dying day that there was no one with more common sense, no stonecutter more obstinate, no manager more lucid or dangerous, than a poet. He told him that Pius V Loayza used the offices for matters more pleasant than work, and that he always arranged to leave the house on Sundays, with the excuse that he had to meet or dispatch a boat. What is more, he had an old boiler installed in the warehouse patio, with a steam whistle that someone would sound with navigation signals in the event his wife became suspicious. By the time she learned the truth it was too late to accuse him of infamy because her husband was already dead. She survived him by many years, destroyed by the bitterness of not having a child and asking God in her prayers for the eternal damnation of his bastard son. His mother had spoken of him as a great man with no commercial vocation, who had at last gone into the river business because his older brother had been a very close collaborator of the German commodore Johann B. The man called Florentino was their maternal grandfather, so that the name had come down to the son of Transito Ariza after skipping over an entire generation of pontiffs. Florentino always kept the notebook in which his father wrote love poems, some of them inspired by Transito Ariza, its pages decorated with drawings of broken hearts. The other was finding a sentence that he thought he had composed but that his father had written in the notebook long before he was born: the only regret I will have in dying is if it is not for love. One had been taken in Santa Fe, when he was very young, the same age as Florentino Ariza when he saw the photograph for the first time, and in it he was wearing an overcoat that made him look as if he were stuffed inside a bear, and he was leaning against a pedestal that supported the decapitated gaiters of a statue. In the other photograph, his father was with a group of soldiers in God knows which of so many wars, and he held the longest rifle, and his mustache had a gunpowder smell that wafted out of the picture. He was a Liberal and a Mason, just like his brothers, and yet he wanted his son to go to the seminary. Nevertheless, Florentino Ariza discovered the resemblance many years later, as he was combing his hair in front of the mirror, and only then did he understand that a man knows when he is growing old because he begins to look like his father. He thought he knew that at one time his father slept there, very early in his love affair with Transito Ariza, but that he did not visit her again after the birth of Florentino. Tiburtius, said only that he was the natural son of an unwed natural daughter called Transito Ariza. This social condition closed the doors of the seminary to Florentino Ariza, but he also escaped military service during the bloodiest period of our wars because he was the only son of an unmarried woman. Every Friday after school he sat across from the offices of the River Company of the Caribbean, looking at pictures of animals in a book that was falling apart because he had looked at it so often. His father would walk into the building without looking at him, wearing the frock coats that Transito Ariza later had to alter for him, and with a face identical to that of St. They did not speak, not only because his father made no effort to , but because he was terrified of him. The drama of Florentino Ariza while he was a clerk for the River Company of the Caribbean was that he could not avoid lyricism because he was always thinking about Fermina Daza, and he had never learned to write without thinking about her. Later, when he was moved to other posts, he had so much love left over inside that he did not know what to do with it, and he offered it to unlettered lovers free of charge, writing their love missives for them in the Arcade of the Scribes. He would take off his frock coat with his circumspect gestures and hang it over the back of the chair, he would put on the cuffs so he would not dirty his shirt sleeves, he would unbutton his vest so he could think better, and sometimes until very late at night he would encourage the hopeless with letters of mad adoration. From time to time he would be approached by a poor woman who had a problem with one of her children, a war veteran who persisted in demanding payment of his pension, someone who had been robbed and wanted to file a complaint with the government, but no matter how he tried, he could not satisfy them, because the only convincing document he could write was a love letter. He did not even ask his new clients any questions, because all he had to do was look at the whites of their eyes to know what their problem was, and he would write page after page of uncontrolled love, following the infallible formula of writing as he thought about Fermina Daza and nothing but Fermina Daza. After the first month he had to establish a system of appointments made in advance so that he would not be swamped by yearning lovers. His most pleasant memory of that time was of a very timid young girl, almost a child, who trembled as she asked him to write an answer to an irresistible letter that she had just received, and that Florentino Ariza recognized as one he had written on the previous afternoon. He answered it in a different style, one that was in tune with the emotions and the age of the girl, and in a hand that also seemed to be hers, for he knew how to create a handwriting for every occasion, according to the character of each person. He wrote, imagining to himself what Fermina Daza would have said to him if she had loved him as much as that helpless child loved her suitor.

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Energy Requirements Versus Nutrient Requirements Recommendations for nutrient intakes are generally set to provide an ample supply of the various nutrients needed impotence sexual dysfunction priligy 30 mg lowest price. For most nutrients erectile dysfunction hormonal causes cheap priligy 60mg with amex, recommended intakes are thus set to correspond to the median amounts sufficient to meet a specific criterion of adequacy plus two standard deviations to meet the needs of nearly all healthy individuals (see Chapter 1) lipo 6 impotence generic 30 mg priligy mastercard. However erectile dysfunction pills names purchase priligy with a visa, this is not the case with energy because excess energy cannot be eliminated hypogonadism erectile dysfunction and type 2 diabetes mellitus generic 60mg priligy amex, and is eventually deposited in the form of body fat erectile dysfunction medication muse buy discount priligy 90 mg on-line. This reserve provides a means to maintain metabolism during periods of limited food intake, but it can also result in obesity. The first alternate criterion that may be considered as the basis for a recommendation for energy is that energy intake should be commensurate with energy expenditure, so as to achieve energy balance. This definition indicates that desirable energy intakes for obese individuals are less than their current energy expenditure, as weight loss and establishment of a steady state at a lower body weight is desirable for them. In underweight individuals, on the other hand, desirable energy intakes are greater than their current energy expenditure to permit weight gain and maintenance of a higher body weight. Thus, it seems logical to base estimated values for energy intake on the amounts of energy that need to be consumed to maintain energy balance in adult men and women who are maintaining desirable body weights, taking into account the increments in energy expenditure elicited by their habitual level of activity. There is another fundamental difference between the requirements for energy and those for other nutrients. Body weight provides each individual with a readily monitored indicator of the adequacy or inadequacy of habitual energy intake, whereas a comparably obvious and individualized indicator of inadequate or excessive intake of other nutrients is not usually evident. Energy Balance Because of the effectiveness in regulating the distribution and use of metabolic fuels, man and animals can survive on foods providing widely varying proportions of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. The ability to shift from carbohydrate to fat as the main source of energy, coupled with the presence of substantial reserves of body fat, makes it possible to accommodate large variations in macronutrient intake, energy intake, and energy expenditure. The amount of fat stored in an adult of normal weight commonly ranges from 6 to 20 kg. Large daily deviations from energy balance are thus readily tolerated, and accommodated primarily by gains or losses of body fat (Abbott et al. Thus, substantial positive as well as negative energy balances of several hundred kcal/d occur as a matter of course under free-living conditions among normal and overweight subjects. This standardized metabolic state corresponds to the situation in which food and physical activity have minimal influence on metabolism. A recent re-evaluation of all available data performed by Henry (2000) has led to a new set of predicting equations. Thermic Effect of Food It has long been known that food consumption elicits an increase in energy expenditure (Kleiber, 1975). Activation of the sympathetic nervous system elicited by dietary carbohydrate and by sensory stimulation causes an additional, but modest, increase in energy expenditure (Acheson et al. The increments in energy expenditure during digestion above baseline rates, divided by the energy content of the food consumed, vary from 5 to 10 percent for carbohydrate, 0 to 5 percent for fat, and 20 to 30 percent for protein. Thermoregulation Birds and mammals, including humans, regulate their body temperature within narrow limits. This process, termed thermoregulation, can elicit increases in energy expenditure that are greater when ambient temperatures are below the zone of thermoneutrality. The environmental temperature at which oxygen consumption and metabolic rate are lowest is described as the critical temperature or thermoneutral zone (Hill, 1964). Because most people adjust their clothing and environment to maintain comfort, and thus thermoneutrality, the additional energy cost of thermoregulation rarely affects total energy expenditure to an appreciable extent. However, there does appear to be a small influence of ambient temperature on energy expenditure as described in more detail below. In very active individuals, 24-hour total energy expenditure can rise to twice as much as basal energy expenditure (Grund et al. The efficiency with which energy from food is converted into physical work is remarkably constant when measured under conditions where body weight and athletic skill are not a factor, such as on bicycle ergometers (Kleiber, 1975; Nickleberry and Brooks, 1996; Pahud et al. For weight-bearing physical activities, the cost is roughly proportional to body weight. In the life of most persons, walking represents the most significant form of physical activity, and many studies have been performed to determine the energy expenditures induced by walking or running at various speeds (Margaria et al. Walking at a speed of 2 mph is considered to correspond to a mild degree of exertion, walking speeds of 3 to 4 mph correspond to moderate degrees of exertion, and a walking speed of 5 mph to vigorous exertion (Table 12-1, Fletcher et al. Over this range of speeds, the increment in energy expenditure amounts to some 60 kcal/mi walked for a 70-kg individual, or 50 kcal/mi walked for a 57-kg individual (see Chapter 12, Figure 12-4). The increase in daily energy expenditure is somewhat greater, however, because exercise induces an additional small increase in expenditure for some time after the exertion itself has been completed. Taking into account the dissipation of 10 percent of the energy consumed on account of the thermic effect of food to cover the expenditure associated with walking, then walking 1 mile raises daily energy expenditure to 76 kcal/mi (69 kcal/mi 1. Since the cost of walking is proportional to body weight, it is convenient to consider that the overall cost of walking at moderate speeds is approximately 1. Energy expenditure depends on age and varies primarily as a function of body size and physical activity, both of which vary greatly among individuals. However, it is now widely recognized that reported energy intakes in dietary surveys underestimate usual energy intake (Black et al. A large body of literature documents the underreporting of food intake, which can range from 10 to 45 percent depending on the age, gender, and body composition of individuals in the sample population (Johnson, 2000). Low socioeconomic status, characterized by low income, low educational attainment, and low literacy levels increase the tendency to underreport energy intakes (Briefel et al. Ethnic differences affecting sensitivities and psychological perceptions relating to eating and body weight can also affect the accuracy of reported food intakes (Tomoyasu et al. Finally, individuals with infrequent symptoms of hunger underreport to a greater degree than those who experience frequent hunger (Bathalon et al. Reported intakes of added sugars are also significantly lower than that consumed, due in part to the frequent omission of snack foods from 24-hour food recording (Poppitt et al. Clearly, it is no longer tenable to base energy requirements on self-reported food consumption data. Thus, mean expected energy requirements for different levels of physical activity were defined. However, there are recognized problems with the factorial method and doubts about the validity of energy requirement predictions based on it (Roberts et al. The first problem is that there are a wide range of activities and physical efforts performed during normal life, and it is not feasible to measure the energy cost of each. Another concern with the factorial method is that the measurement of the energy costs of specific activities imposes constraints (due to mechanical impediments associated with performing an activity while wearing unfamiliar equipment) that may alter the measured energy costs of different activities. Although generalizations are essential in trying to account for the energy costs of daily activities, substantial errors may be introduced. Also, and perhaps most importantly, the factorial method only takes into account activities that can be specifically accounted for. However, 24-hour room calorimeter studies have shown that a significant amount of energy is expended in spontaneous physical activities, some of which are part of a sedentary lifestyle (Ravussin et al. Thus, the factorial method is bound to underestimate usual energy needs (Durnin, 1990; Roberts et al. It was originally proposed and developed by Lifson for use in small animals (Lifson and McClintock, 1966; Lifson et al. Two stable isotopic forms of water (H 18O and 2H O) are 2 2 administered, and their disappearance rates from a body fluid. However, the measurements were obtained in men, women, and children whose ages, body weights, heights, and physical activities varied over wide ranges. At the present time, a few age groups are underrepresented and interpolations had to be performed in these cases. Indeed, overfeeding studies show that overeating is inevitably accompanied by substantial weight gain, and that reduced energy intake induces weight loss (Saltzman and Roberts, 1995). Bioimpedance data were used to calculate percent body fat using equations developed by Sun and coworkers (2003). Yet no correlation can be detected between height and percent body fat in men, whereas in women a negative correlation exists, but with a very small R2 value (0. Therefore, cutoff points to define underweight and overweight must be ageand gender-specific. The revised growth charts for the United States were derived from five national health examination surveys collected from 1963 to 1994 (Kuczmarski et al. Childhood overweight is associated with several risk factors for later heart disease and other chronic diseases including hyperlipidemia, hyperinsulinemia, hypertension, and early arteriosclerosis (Must and Strauss, 1999). Similarly, overweight has been defined as above the 97th percentile for weight-forlength. For lengths between the 3rd and 97th percentiles, the median and range of weights defined by the 3rd and 97th weight-for-length percentiles for children 0 to 3 years of age are presented in Tables 5-6 (boys) and 5-7 (girls) (Kuczmarski et al. It is unlikely that body composition to any important extent affects energy expenditure at rest or the energy costs of physical activities among adults with body mass indexes from 18. In adults with higher percentages of body fat composition, mechanical hindrances can increase the energy expenditure associated with certain types of activity. Cross-sectionally, Goran and coworkers (1995a) and Griffiths and Payne (1976) reported significantly lower resting energy expenditure in children born to one or both overweight parents when the children were not themselves overweight. As such, these data are consistent with the general view that obesity is a multifactor problem. The question of whether obese individuals may have decreased energy requirements after weight loss, a factor that would help explain the common phenomenon of weight regain following weight loss, has also been investigated. Notable exceptions to the latter conclusion are from studies of Amatruda and colleagues (1993) and Weinsier and colleagues (2000), which compared individuals longitudinally over the course of weight loss with a crosssectional, never-obese control group. The combination of these data from different types of studies does not permit any general conclusion at the current time, and further studies in this area are needed. Physical Activity the impact of physical activity on energy expenditure is discussed briefly here and in more detail in Chapter 12. Given that the basal oxygen (O2) consumption rate of adults is approximately 250 mL/min, and that athletes such as elite marathon runners can sustain O2 consumption rates of 5,000 mL/min, the scale of metabolic responses to exercise varies over a 20-fold range. The increase in energy expenditure elicited while physical activities take place accounts for the largest part of the effect of physical activity on overall energy expenditure, which is the product of the cost of particular activities and their duration (see Table 12-1 for examples of the energy cost of typical activities). Effect of Exercise on Postexercise Energy Expenditure In addition to the immediate energy cost of individual activities, physical activity also affects energy expenditure in the post-exercise period. Excess postexercise O2 consumption depends on exercise intensity and duration as well as other factors, such as environmental temperatures, state of hydration, and degree of trauma, demonstrable sometimes up to 24 hours after exercise (Bahr et al. In one study, residual effects of exercise could be seen following 15 hours of exercise, but not after 30 hours (Herring et al. There may also be chronic changes in energy expenditure associated with regular physical activity as a result of changes in body composition and alterations in the metabolic rate of muscle tissue, neuroendocrine status, and changes in spontaneous physical activity associated with altered levels of fitness (van Baak, 1999; Webber and Macdonald, 2000). However, the magnitude and direction of change in energy expenditure associated with these factors remain controversial due to the variable effects of exercise on the coupling of oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria, on ion shifts, on substrates, and on other factors (Gaesser and Brooks, 1984). Spontaneous Nonexercise Activity Spontaneous nonexercise activity has been reported to be quantitatively important, accounting for 100 to 700 kcal/d, even in subjects residing in a whole-body calorimeter chamber (Ravussin et al. Sitting without or with fidgeting raises energy expenditure by 4 or 54 percent respectively, compared to lying supine (Levine et al. This suggests that the subjects had lower levels of spontaneous movement after strenuous exercise because they were more tired. Similarly, Blaak and coworkers (1992) reported no measurable change in spontaneous physical activity in obese boys enrolled in an exercise-training program. The combination of these different results indicates that the effects of planned physical activity on activity at other times are highly variable (ranging from overall positive to negative effects on overall energy expenditure). This most likely depends on a number of factors, including the nature of the exercise (strenuous versus moderate), the initial fitness of the subjects, body composition, and gender. Gender There are substantial data on the effects of gender on energy expenditure throughout the lifespan. Although the energy requirement for growth relative to maintenance is low, except for the first months of life, satisfactory growth is a sensitive indicator of whether energy needs are being met. The energy cost of growth as a percentage of total energy requirements decreases from around 35 percent at 1 month to 3 percent at 12 months of age, and remains low until the pubertal growth spurt, at which time it increases to about 4 percent (Butte, 2000). Infants double their birth weight by 6 months of age, and triple it by 12 months (Butte et al. Progressive fat deposition in the early months results in a peak in the percentage body weight that is fat at 3 to 6 months (about 31 percent) and body fatness subsequently declines to an average of 27 percent at 12 months (Butte et al. During infancy and childhood, girls grow slightly slower than boys, and girls have slightly more body fat (Butte et al. During adolescence the gender differences in body composition are accentuated (Ellis, 1997; Ellis et al. Growth velocity is a sensitive indicator of energy status and use of growth velocity charts will detect growth faltering earlier than detected using attained growth charts. Problems with measurement precision and high variability in individual growth rates over short time periods complicate the interpretation of growth velocity data. The timing of the adolescent growth spurt, which typically lasts 2 to 3 years, is also very variable, with the onset typically between 10 and 13 years of age in the majority of children (Forbes, 1987; Tanner, 1955). In general, weight velocity reflects acute episodes of dietary intake, whereas length velocity is affected by chronic factors.

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Occasional recoveries have been associated with considerable residual disability; a few cases, treated with acyclovir, have recovered completely. During periods of stress (shipping and handling), they have high rates of viral shedding. Human illness, rare but highly fatal, is acquired through the bite of apparently normal monkeys, or exposure of naked skin or mucous membrane to infected saliva or monkey cell cultures. Prevention depends on proper use of protective gauntlets and care to minimize exposure to monkeys. All bite or scratch wounds incurred from macaques or from cages possibly contaminated with macaque secretions and that result in bleeding must be immediately and thoroughly scrubbed and cleaned with soap and water. Prophylactic treatment with an antiviral agent such as valacyclovir, acyclovir or famciclovir should be considered when an animal handler sustains a deep, penetrating wound that cannot be adequately cleaned, though it is not clear if this is as effective in humans as it is in rabbits. The appearance of any skin lesions or neurological symptoms, such as itching, pain, or numbness near the site of the wound calls for expert medical consultation for diagnosis and possible treatment. Detailed information is given for the infection caused by Histoplasma capsulatum var. Five clinical forms are recognized: 1) Asymptomatic; although individuals manifest skin test reactivity to histoplasmin, this reagent is no longer commercially available. Multiple, small scattered calcications in the lung, hilar lymph nodes, spleen and liver may be late ndings. The immunodiffusion test is the most specic and reliable of available serological tests. A rise in complement xation titres in paired sera may occur early in acute infection and is suggestive evidence of active disease; a titre of 1:32 or greater is suggestive of active disease. Detection of antigen in serum or urine is useful in making the diagnosis and following the results of treatment for disseminated histoplasmosis. Prevalence increases from childhood to 15; the chronic pulmonary form is more common in males. Outbreaks have occurred in endemic areas in families, students and workers with exposure to bird, chicken or bat droppings or recently disturbed contaminated soil. Histoplasmosis occurs in dogs, cats, cattle, horses, rats, skunks, opossums, foxes and other animals, often with a clinical picture comparable to that in humans. Person-to-person transmission can occur only if infected tissue is inoculated into a healthy person. Inapparent infections are common in endemic areas and usually result in increased resistance to infection. Preventive measures: Minimize exposure to dust in a contaminated environment, such as chicken coops and surrounding soil. Control of patient, contacts and the immediate environment: 1) Report to local health authority: In selected endemic areas; in many countries not a reportable disease, Class 3 (see Reporting). Epidemic measures: Occurrence of grouped cases of acute pulmonary disease in or outside of an endemic area, particularly with history of exposure to dust within a closed space (caves or construction sites), should arouse suspicion of histoplasmosis. Suspected sites such as attics, basements, caves or construction sites with large amounts of bird droppings or bat guano must be investigated. Possible hazard if large groups, especially from nonendemic areas, are forced to move through or live in areas where the mould is prevalent. Infection, though usually localized, may be disseminated in the skin, subcutaneous tissue, lymph nodes, bones, joints, lungs and abdominal viscera. Disease is more common in males and may occur at any age, but especially in the second decade of life. In heavy infections, the bloodletting activity of the nematode leads to iron deciency and hypochromic, microcytic anemia, the major cause of disability. Children with heavy long-term infection may have hypoproteinemia and may be retarded in mental and physical development. Infection is conrmed by nding hookworm eggs in feces; early stool examinations may be negative until worms mature. Species differentiation requires microscopic examination of larvae cultured from the feces, or examination of adult worms expelled by purgation following a vermifuge. Both Necator and Ancylostoma occur in many parts of Asia (particularly southeastern Asia), the South Pacic and eastern Africa. Human infection occurs when infective larvae penetrate the skin, usually of the foot; in so doing, they produce a characteristic dermatitis (ground itch). Infection with Ancylostoma may also be acquired by ingesting infective larvae; possible vertical transmission through breastmilk has been reported. Pulmonary inltration, cough and tracheitis may occur during the lung migration phase of infection, particularly in Necator infections. Preventive measures: 1) Educate the public to the dangers of soil contamination by human, cat or dog feces, and in preventive measures, including wearing shoes in endemic areas. Night soil and sewage efuents are hazardous, especially where used as fertilizer. Extensive monitoring has shown no signicant ill effects of administration to pregnant women under these circumstances. Follow-up stool examination is indicated after 2 weeks, and treatment must be repeated if a heavy worm burden persists. Iron supplementation will correct the anemia and should be used in conjunction with deworming. As a general rule, pregnant women should not be treated in the rst trimester unless there are specic medical or public health reasons. Epidemic measures: Prevalence survey in highly endemic areas: provide periodic mass treatment. Health education in environmental sanitation and personal hygiene, and provide facilities for excreta disposal. Massive numbers of worms may cause enteritis with or without diarrhea, abdominal pain and other vague symptoms such as pallor, loss of weight and weakness. Infection is acquired through ingestion of eggs in contaminated food or water; directly from fecally contaminated ngers (autoinfection or person-to-person transmission); or ingestion of insects bearing larvae that have developed from eggs ingested by the insect. If eggs are ingested by mealworms, larval eas, beetles or other insects, they may develop into cysticercoids that are infective to humans and rodents when ingested. Children are more susceptible than adults; intensive infection occurs in immunodecient and malnourished children. Epidemic measures: Outbreaks in schools and institutions can best be controlled through treatment of infected individuals and special attention to personal and group hygiene. The eggs passed in rodent feces are ingested by insects such as ea larvae, grain beetles and cockroaches in which cysticercoids develop in the hemocele. The mature tapeworm develops in rats, mice or other rodents when the insect is ingested. People are rare accidental hosts, usually of a single or few tapeworms; human infections are rarely symptomatic. Denitive diagnosis is based on nding characteristic eggs in the feces; treatment as for H. It rarely if ever produces symptoms in the child but is disturbing to the parent who sees motile, seed-like proglottids (tapeworm segments) at the anus or on the surface of the stool. Infection is acquired when the child ingests eas that, in their larval stage, have eaten eggs from proglottids. Infection is prevented by keeping dogs and cats free of eas and worms; niclosamide or praziquantel is effective for treatment. Recognition is commonly by epidemiological characteristics (current quick tests lack sensitivity); only laboratory procedures can reliably identify sporadic cases. Inuenza may be clinically indistinguishable from disease caused by other respiratory viruses, such as common cold, croup, bronchiolitis, viral pneumonia and undifferentiated acute respiratory disease. Inuenza derives its importance from the rapidity with which epidemics evolve, the widespread morbidity and the seriousness of complications, notably viral and bacterial pneumonias. In addition, emergence among humans of inuenza viruses with new surface proteins can cause pandemics ranking as global health emergencies. Severe illness and death during annual inuenza epidemics occur primarily among the elderly and those debilitated by chronic cardiac, pulmonary, renal or metabolic disease, anemia or immunosuppression. The proportion of total deaths associated with pneumonia and inuenza in excess of that expected for the time of year (excess mortality) varies and depends on the prevalent virus type. While the epidemiology of inuenza is well understood in industrialized countries, information on inuenza in developing countries is minimal. Demonstration of a specic serological response between acute and convalescent sera may also conrm infection. Type A includes 15 subtypes of which only 2 (H1and H3) are associated with widespread epidemics; type B is infrequently associated with regional or widespread epidemics; type C with sporadic cases and minor localized outbreaks. The antigenic properties of the 2 relatively stable internal structural proteins, the nucleoprotein and the matrix protein, determine virus type. Frequent mutation of the genes encoding surface glycoproteins of inuenza A and inuenza B viruses results in emergence of variants that are described by geographic site of isolation, year of isolation and culture number. Examples are A/New Caledonia/20/99(H1N1), A/Moscow/10/99(H3N2)-like virus, B/Hong Kong/330/2001. The relatively minor antigenic changes (antigenic drift) of A and B viruses responsible for frequent epidemics and regional outbreaks occur constantly and require annual reformulation of inuenza vaccine. Clinical attack rates during epidemics range from 10% to 20% in the general community to more than 50% in closed populations. During the initial phase of epidemics in industrialized countries, infection and illness appear predominantly in school-age children, with a sharp rise in school absences, physician visits, and pediatric hospital admissions. During a subsequent phase, infection and illness occur in adults, with industrial absenteeism, adult hospital admissions, and an increase in mortality from inuenzarelated pneumonia.

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Everything Vegetables Protein Move to Vary your low-fat or you eat and Vary your protein fat-free drink over veggies. Strategies To Align Settings With the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines Americans make food and beverage choices in a variety of settings at home, at work, and at play. Professionals have limit screen time and time spent an important role in leading diseasebeing sedentary and increase prevention efforts within their physical activity to meet the Physical organizations and communities to make Activity Guidelines for Americans. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans In addition to consuming a healthy least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity their personal and cultural preferences, eating pattern, regular physical activity physical activity and should perform they can engage in regular physical is one of the most important things muscle-strengthening exercises on 2 activity in a variety of ways throughout Americans can do to improve their or more days each week. These can be used set of recommendations for Americans A1-1 for additional details). Just as to help motivate consumer audiences to on the amounts and types of physical individuals can achieve a healthy eating make healthy physical activity choices. Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans Recommendations Age Recommendations Children and adolescents should do 60 minutes (1 hour) or more of physical activity daily. Some physical activity is better than none, and adults who participate in any amount of physical activity gain some health benefts. Aerobic activity should be performed in episodes of at least 10 minutes, and preferably, it should be spread throughout the week. Additional health benefts are gained by engaging in physical activity beyond this amount. When older adults cannot meet the adult guidelines, they should be as physically active as their abilities and conditions will allow. Jogging, singles tennis, swimming continuous laps, or bicycling uphill are examples. It includes strength training, resistance training, and muscular strength and endurance exercises. Estimated Calorie Needs per Day, by Age, Sex, & Physical Activity Level the total number of calories a person (average) and reference weights (healthy) in basal metabolic rate that occur with needs each day varies depending on for each age-sex group. For children and aging, calorie needs generally decrease a number of factors, including the adolescents, reference height and weight for adults as they age. For adults, the reference man is for young children range from 1,000 to level of physical activity. In addition, a 5 feet 10 inches tall and weighs 154 2,000 calories per day, and the range for need to lose, maintain, or gain weight pounds. The reference woman is 5 feet older children and adolescents varies and other factors affect how many 4 inches tall and weighs 126 pounds. Estimated per day, with boys generally having Estimates range from 1,600 to 2,400 amounts of calories needed to maintain higher calorie needs than girls. These calories per day for adult women and calorie balance for various age and are only estimates, and approximations 2,000 to 3,000 calories per day for adult sex groups at three different levels of of individual calorie needs can be aided men. Within each age and sex category, physical activity are provided in Table with online tools such as those available the low end of the range is for sedentary A2-1. While the the methodology used to develop and of the range of typical consumption when Healthy U. This the limits for calories and overconsumed Dietary Guidelines, small changes in methodology includes using current food dietary components. To follow profles for each food group using these nutrient requirement cannot be determined. As the Patterns meet these standards for calorie level, choose a variety of foods would be expected, most foods in their almost all nutrients. For a few nutrients in each group and subgroup over time in nutrient-dense forms do contain some (vitamin D, vitamin E, potassium, choline), recommended amounts, and limit choices sodium and saturated fatty acids. Patterns from 1,600 to 3,200 calories are designed to meet the nutritional needs of children 9 years and older and adults. If a child 4 to 8 years of age needs more calories and, therefore, is following a pattern at 1,600 calories or more, his/her recommended amount from the dairy group should be 2. Children 9 years and older and adults should not use the 1,000-, 1,200-, or 1,400-calorie patterns. Cream, sour cream, and cream cheese are not included due to their low calcium content. Legumes (beans and peas) can be considered part of this group as well as the vegetable group, but should be counted in one group only. If all food choices to meet food group recommendations are in nutrient-dense forms, a small number of calories remain within the overall calorie limit of the Pattern. The number of these calories depends on the overall calorie limit in the Pattern and the amounts of food from each food group required to meet nutritional goals. Nutritional goals are higher for the 1,200to 1,600-calorie Patterns than for the 1,000-calorie Pattern, so the limit on calories for other uses is lower in the 1,200to 1,600-calorie Patterns. Calories up to the specifed limit can be used for added sugars, added refned starches, solid fats, alcohol, or to eat more than the recommended amount of food in a food group. The overall eating Pattern also should not exceed the limits of less than 10 percent of calories from added sugars and less than 10 percent of calories from saturated fats. At most calorie levels, amounts that can be accommodated are less than these limits. For adults of legal drinking age who choose to drink alcohol, a limit of up to 1 drink per day for women and up to 2 drinks per day for men within limits on calories for other uses applies (see Appendix 9. See table footnotes that provided quantifed data were were not adjusted because the Healthy for amounts of dairy recommended compared to amounts in the Healthy U. Similarly, subgroup over time in recommended was evaluated based on its similarity amounts of meat and poultry in the amounts, and limit choices that are to food group intakes reported for Healthy U. The Pattern is to more closely reflect eating patterns eggs were included because they were similar in meeting nutrient standards reported by self-identified vegetarians consumed by the majority of these to the Healthy U. This if all dairy choices are comprised of fiber and lower in vitamin D due to analysis allowed development of a fortified soy beverages (soymilk) or differences in the foods included. Based on a comparison of the underlying structure of the Patterns, not in nutrient-dense forms so that the food choices of these vegetarians to but substituted the same amounts of overall calorie limit is not exceeded. Healthy Vegetarian Eating Pattern: Recommended Amounts of Food From Each Food Group at 12 Calorie Levels Calorie Level [a] 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,600 2,800 3,000 3,200 of Pattern Food Group[b] Daily Amount[c] of Food From Each Group (vegetable and protein foods subgroup amounts are per week) Vegetables 1 c-eq 1 c-eq 1 c-eq 2 c-eq 2 c-eq 2 c-eq 3 c-eq 3 c-eq 3 c-eq 3 c-eq 4 c-eq 4 c-eq Dark-Green Vegetables 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 (c-eq/wk) Red & Orange Vegetables 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 (c-eq/wk) Legumes (Beans & 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 3 Peas) (c-eq/wk)[d] Starchy Vegetables 2 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 (c-eq/wk) Other Vegetables 1 2 2 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 7 7 (c-eq/wk) Fruits 1 c-eq 1 c-eq 1 c-eq 1 c-eq 1 c-eq 2 c-eq 2 c-eq 2 c-eq 2 c-eq 2 c-eq 2 c-eq 2 c-eq Grains 3 oz-eq 4 oz-eq 5 oz-eq 5 oz-eq 6 oz-eq 6 oz-eq 7 oz-eq 8 oz-eq 9 oz-eq 10 oz-eq 10 oz-eq 10 oz-eq Whole Grains[e] 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 (oz-eq/day) Refned Grains 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 (oz-eq/day) Dairy 2 c-eq 2. Total legumes in the Patterns, in cup-eq, is the amount in the vegetable group plus the amount in protein foods group (in oz-eq) divided by 4: Calorie Level [a] 1,000 1,200 1,400 1,600 1,800 2,000 2,200 2,400 2,600 2,800 3,000 3,200 of Pattern Total Legumes (Beans & Peas) 1 1 1 2 3 3 3 4 5 5 6 6 (c-eq/wk) [e, f, g]See Appendix 3, notes d through f. While refned starches are made sugar, sucrose, trehalose, and turbinado a new country adopt the attitudes, from grains or vegetables, they contain sugar. Acculturation of these foods that together create a B is the gradual exchange between nutrient-dense food. Specifc examples of added sugars potato, used as an ingredient in another and obese (Table A6-1). Starches have been refned to remove obese describe ranges of weight that are brown sugar, corn sweetener, corn syrup, other components of the food, such as fber, greater than what is considered healthy Table A6-1. Sugars include those grains, vegetables, fruits, and oils physical activity and metabolic processes. It was They include sugars, starches, and fber: there is no evidence for a dietary designed to increase intake of foods requirement for cholesterol. Dietary fber consists of nondigestible that travels in the serum of the blood It is available at specifc calorie levels. It nutrient intake by a group (or groups) supplements, vitamins, and added sugars. When intake level that is suffcient to meet respond appropriately to the insulin that is cereal grains are labeled as enriched, it is the nutrient requirement of nearly all produced, which causes too much glucose mandatory that they be fortifed with folic (97 to 98%) healthy individuals in a to be released in the blood. Range of intake for a particular organization examined by the 2015 energy source. Food access is often measured in nutritional composition and other n-3 fatty acid that is essential in the by distance to a store or the number dietary benefts. For assignment to food diet because it cannot be synthesized of stores in an area; individual-level groups, mixed dishes are disaggregated by humans. Primary sources include resources such as family income or into their major component parts. For example, all meats and dairy products, and tropical or informal rules established by formal pizzas are put into the pizza category. When cereal grains acceptable foods in socially acceptable breast, and skinless turkey breast. Processed mental, and social well-being and not hard, and the high force of the blood meats and poultry include all types of merely the absence of disease or infrmity. Foods that are mainly made are overconsumed or underconsumed equivalent is described as containing up of oil include mayonnaise, certain [1] and current intakes may pose a 14 g (0. These strategies can be with health outcomes are all used to oils, including coconut oil, palm oil and employed across or within different establish a nutrient as a nutrient of palm kernel oil, are high in saturated settings or levels of influence. Overconsumed nutrients are those of a food product that is considered equal food service. Ideally, these foods and P and nutrition-related questions to inform beverages also are in forms that retain U. All vegetables, fruits, whole protocol-driven methodology is designed of skeletal muscle that increases grains, seafood, eggs, beans and peas, to minimize bias, maximize transparency, energy expenditure above a basal unsalted nuts and seeds, fat-free and and ensure the use of all available relevant level; generally refers to the subset of low-fat dairy products, and lean meats and high-quality research.

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